
Szu-Yi Wang
2 min readAug 5, 2020

An entrance with the elements as signs indicating the local weather: the passages of the rain and the ‘movement’ of the climate.

Rain canopies of an apartment in Stuttgart, Germany. Photo by Szu-Yi Wang.



The apartment is located on the hills surrounding the downtown. The front street toward the northwest goes down to the city centre. At the entrance, two pieces of the rain canopies — consisting of zigzag tubes and grooves on the thin wave-shaped sheets — form their triangular shapes corresponding to the orientation of the street. Installed on the short wall and the door front — two sides of the entranceway, the sheds perform and indicate the path/movement of the rain, the orientation and the climatic qualities of the local environment. On a human scale, the elements compose the position of the entrance; on a total regional scale, they reveal themselves as the small marks among the area, the components in the urban landscape.

The experience of strolling on those paths reminds me of the basin landscape of Taipei and the houses locating among the hills.

An apartment on the surrounding hills in Stuttgart, Germany. Photo by Szu-Yi Wang.



Szu-Yi Wang

interior architect.artist from Taiwan, currently based in the Netherlands | 城文藝事,各種隨筆